Build – 9th Week; 25 to 31 Mar 2013

Although rain slows work for much of the week, there are a number of major events.

A major step forward in the bureaucracy on Tuesday when we collect the building permission documents. So finally we are truly legal! The delay was procedural rather than anything substantive.

On Wednesday we celebrate the topping-out of the house with a meal with the crew. Vasko arranges a selection of meat for grilling by the excellent butcher in Kotor, which we collect and add a suitable selection of drink – whisky, rakija, beer, as well as soft drinks. Anke’s brother got a Norderney flag for her, so we fly the Montenegrin one, the Scottish Saltire and the Norderney flags from the top of the house!

Friday is also a special day as local friends and neighbours come around for a drink, bringing with them an olive branch (for peace) and a towel. We have seen wedding parties here (and elsewhere in the Balkans) where the family cars have towels tied to the windscreen wipers, and this is a similar custom. We are told it is a sign of respect and familiar closeness.

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