Not only an energy standard but gives the highest comfort levels:
Internal temperature 20°C in winter, 25°C in summer.
Achieved by heating or cooling the flow of fresh air entering the building envelope; heating/ cooling load 300W per person, based on 30m3 of air per hour.
High insulation of building shell.
Design U values for windows (including frames): 0,8 W/(m²K) g-Value 50%;
for walls, roof and foundation: 0,15 W/(m²K).
No ‘thermal bridges’
Uses not more than 15kWh/m2 per year for primary heating / cooling
Uses not more than 120kWh/m2 per year for all energy including domestic hot water
Airtight – Blower door test to give not more than 0.6 air changes per hour at 50Pascal
South orientation & freedom from over shadowing allows passive use of solar energy
Heat recovery from exhaust air at more than 75%
Low energy/ high efficiency household appliances
Passive pre-heating of incoming air
Ground mass heat exchanger and/or solar panels optional for heating domestic hot water
© Passivhaus Institut Darmstadt